Learn to spell 4500+ English words. The words are selected based on British Educational Standards ( National Literacy Strategy ). The categories includes Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. There is other general categories including Animal Names, Country Name, Plant Name, Surroundings, Vehicles, Food, World Cities and Birds.
The categories can be disabled/enabled so that the app will show spelling tests related to your kids age. The application also have 2 difficulty levels so the tests will be equally challenging for a child of age 4 and age 10.
During the test the application will read out the word so it will mimic Dictation as in a school. There is a time limit for each question based on the difficulty level. So practicing spelling test using this app will make sure the child learns to recollect the spelling from memory quickly.</br></br></br></br>